MidwayJ darpar And seemed like Puttinfool got under everyone's skin at one time or another. He and Spuzz were close. 😀
Spuzz MidwayJ And seemed like Puttinfool got under everyone's skin at one time or another. He and Spuzz were close Non-drinker vs. rumaholic didn't mix well LOL He also bragged about his free shipping perk due to the military. He took a lot of flak for that for that too. @PA-PLAYA has a good story about him from the Melee outings,IIRC.
Rickochet MidwayJ Is Dyno (Percy) still around? I know he was here on Golfbuzz for awhile but I haven't seen him post anything in a long time. He was a lot of fun back in the FGI days. He once messaged me asking to come to his defense on GEA after he riled somebody up there. I think Dyno was the first to apply the term "poon" to golf equipment. I think his last sighting was on the music thread a few years back.
MidwayJ Rickochet I think Dyno was the first to apply the term "poon" to golf equipment. Yes, he absolutely was! He maintained that separating the head and shaft from any club with "poon" would permanently destroy the poon, even if you put them back together.
Par4QC darpar GREAT THREAD TOPIC!!!! It is, even if it's the (at least) 3rd time around. Wasn't there a discussion back in July, or last summer at least? Always funny though. I always missed Persimmon after he left.....for unknown reasons/causes.
MidwayJ Par4QC Wasn't there a discussion back in July, or last summer at least? I missed it if there was. But I was absent from here for quite awhile.
professor Par4QC I always missed Persimmon after he left.....for unknown reasons/causes. He, along with a number of prior members, including JDerion and Blader got a little fed-up with the P&R sub-forum. All intelligent "liberals", they grew frustrated with some less than flexible conservatives. Fortunate for them they've been gone pre-2016!
rsvman2 darpar I played a round of golf one time with puttnfool. He gamed one of LogicalOne's original putters. In person he wasn't so bad. Pretty solid player. Followed the rules strictly and never took a mulligan. Was very, very focused on his round of golf. I could have been Prince Harry and he probably wouldn't have noticed, lol.
MidwayJ rsvman2 For some reason I remember Puttnfool posting a lot about giving people negative feedback on eBay transactions. 😆
ode And who was the big workout dude from nyc.... something ....fitness....would get pissed and post pics oh the muscles muscle 💪 😆
johnnydoom I didn't interact much on FGI as I primarily joined as a component greenhorn trying to absorb knowledge on selecting and assembling components. I did enjoy tangling with ASKE and someone whose username I can't remember in religious discussions on the P&R page. I was also very much in with the forged side in those days.
pike51 johnnydoom The other one had to be Phileo... or whatever his name was before that. He used to post here as 4GSwag but hasn't been around for a bit.
pike51 The biggest thing I miss is the Paws and Balls tournament. It seemed like it always got a great FGI turnout and it was 3-5 days of great golf and golf courses. I met many of you there, including Phileo who I actually still talk to everyday and play with at least twice a month.
rsvman2 pike51 I also got paired with Phileo at one of the outings in North Carolina. Big Miami Dolphins fans, if memory serves. Decent ball-striker, too, and in person he was pleasant.
KCee I remember years back my family was headed to Scottsdale for a week to visit my inlaws. I think Ramers had an office in Old Town so I messaged him to see if he wanted to grab a beer. He says we can do better than that and lines up a round of golf...maybe with some of the old AZ mafia? My wife said "fine" initially but then realizes I'll be golfing with "random guys from some golf forum" (her words) and shuts me down. Wife: "you can golf once with my dad and that's it". Yes Typhoons' wife and mine are somehow not too distantly related at least in personality ☹
professor KCee My wife said "fine" initially but then realizes I'll be golfing with "random guys from some golf forum" (her words) and shuts me down. That's the best! My Ex used to go bonkers about what she called "your imaginary friends". That all came to an end when she met some FGI'ers in-person and then was gifted a set of women's clubs, donated and built for her after she'd contracted breast cancer. She even received a brief lesson from gwog in our backyard!