My LogicalOne 3 putter got its first action today. I made a 15ft right to left downhill slider on the practice green with my 1st ever stroke with it. That has to be a good omen. 33 putts on my round on some big greens. Took me 6 holes to trust my stroke with it. The putter feels well balanced and swings nicely. No regrets on my purchase.

Par4QC Some of these could have been/should have been pars, or birdies. And at least 1 eagle!!


    LBlack14 Stop that!! 😄

    That 1 eagle putt was within 12', (the other was maybe 40). Some of the par and birdie putts were also inside 12. PO'd.
    Greens weren't rolling/breaking according to Hoyle.

    I was like the guy that stubs his toe on a chair every time he passes it. Yet never moves the damn chair.

    VigilanteTrail 85 gram LogicalOne graphite iron shafts and have any feedback?

    Was able to hit the “test” 8 iron w/LogivalOne 85S graphite yesterday late afternoon…jumped in on a Sim round that my brother & his buddies were playing.

    Initial impressions after 8-10 swings is me likey 👍

    I built up this 8 iron soft stepped once at 37” playing length…swingweight ended up D2.75-3’ish range with the 276g Alpha C2 forged head & Dri-Tac 2.0 midsize grip.

    On my good strikes I have gained back the 10-12 yards I lost while using my backup set of Callaway X-14’s with unifiex steel that are 0.5” under (36” 8 iron).

    I felt a bit more kick at impact which I don’t recall feeling as much with my last set of graphite irons (MMT 70).

    Also it seems I am hitting this Alpha C2 forged/LogicalOne combo the same distance that I was hitting the 8 iron from my last gamer set (PXG 0211DC/MMT) even though the stated loft is weaker at 36* vs 32*…and yes this new combo seems to have more spin & trajectory while flying the same yardage.

    Again, this was only in the Sim and was a quick set of swings…Gonna hit it one more time in the Sim by myself with no distractions to pay closer attention to all of the numbers…but I’m currently thinking this shaft soft stepped once might just be the ticket for me 😁.

    Uncertified Self-Fitter

    ode L1.XW 56 wedge
    Neuro Tour 5 wood

    I shafted up the 56 with a TT Spinner shaft and gave it a ride today. Looks good, feels good, plays good. I was able to play all shots that I like to play. It performed well on chips around the green.....this is a no brainer...but a must, and the turf interaction was just right👌. The beveled leading edge helps. Easy to open as well and slide under the ball, there is a bit of a c grind to allow for this. I only flop if needed, and it was no problem. I do however like to play with the face open ever so slightly to get a bit more height when needed as well as some check. Again it worked well for that. Full shots had a nice amount.of check nothing excessive, I'll need some more time with it as I don't know how crazy I am about the Spinner just yet. It feels like you'd expect a forged wedge to feel. It was nice and soft. This will easily stay in the bag for continued testing, it flat out works for what I need it to.

    Next up is the Neuro Tour 17 */5w.....I shafted that with a Wishon S2S Black 85 in R will go in the bag next week, as right now I'm testing a Tour Edge e722 4w that I got for Xmas....stay tuned!

      VigilanteTrail 85 gram LogicalOne graphite iron shafts

      During lesson #2 with my club pro yesterday I flushed the 8 iron multiple times (139-142yd range)…this shaft felt great…NEED to get these damn sticks out on the course…c’mon snow…melt!!!

        Par4QC No snow here, c'mon down! Only +1300 mi., and if a biz trip, can be reimbursed $895 by IRS. 😁

        Maybe several of us Buzzers will qualify for the centrally located “LogicalOne Invitational” one of these days…or at least snag some of the available sponsor exemptions 🤣😂

          ode L1.XW 56 wedge

          Played again on Thursday and more of the same,. Super around the greens. Very easy to chip with. Note I use the 56 for everything 90 on it's my go-to club for golf. Had a really nice up and.down on #16....215y par 3 into the wind. Double crossed a 4w that I was trying to play a baby fade to just on or short and hit a draw instead to pin high left rough. Smallish green, that is not wide so not much green to work with. Opened it up and hit a nice semi flop that landed just.on and rolled up to 3 feet. Through some balls on 11, hit a full shot 93 carry 95 total, one on 15 with 94 carry 96 total. I don't think either backed up from it's furthest point, but both put on the breaks. Spinner shaft = lower ball flight and more spin. It was ~ 40 * and a bit of a breeze early but it actually got nicer later and the breeze subsided, felt like 30's early and more like 40 later on the back. I would expect another yard or two in more normal temps/conditions. Typical SW for me is ~ 100. I think the lower flight along with low temps/conditions factored into the slightly shorter distance. I'm actually cool with those #s!

          LogicalOne #3 putter is getting better, as long as I remember to stroke firmer. A few 1 putts with it today, so it's improving every round. It is a bit lighter than my 'usual performer', but swings so nicely.... straight back/forth.👍

            ode Think we just missed it. It was around 67 most of the time I was out. But that damned wind, 20-30, will not leave this area. Good thing it's from the South. More of the same temps for next 2 days, & Wed. is showing a lot less wind. I'll probably try to make both days as it will be over a week before the weather is decent again. I don't go out under 55 with this wind, and it's showing a lot of low/mid 40's.

              Par4QC 61 was the tops in this area.....snuck out and got 18 in. Yeah, it was windy here as well....seems to be a constant. Hit one 279 down wind .....and 227 into it......both drives smoked⛳

                ode I cranked these LS heads down a notch or 2. Wind had no affect going any direction! Maybe 1 hole it cost me a few yards. But with the soft turf, these is no damn rollout, even with the lower trajectory.