Par4QC I got driver from the west coast with a Priority Mail tyvek envelope taped over the headcover, and the shaft wrapped with the thin sheets of foam and tape. The guy in the post office was amazed it made it through.

Once life settles down a bit, I’m going to join the fun, I got a set of the graphite iron shafts and the Prodegi shaft to give a whirl in my driver, I love counter balanced shafts, so I’m excited to see what this thing feels like.

17 days later

LBlack14 There were others out there also. Prolly can get yerself a set of LB14's of the same style if you shop around AliBaba for the heads.😄

Inquiring minds want to know…

Anyone happen to be playing (or played) the 85 gram LogicalOne graphite iron shafts and have any feedback?

I did see where Rex @Par4QC found the 75 gram version to be damn consistent in his testing…

    9 days later

    Par4QC I just gotta is so very nice to have you back here full time!!
    It kind of dilutes the 'craziness', of buying for all members.

    Absolutely!! I'm glad you and Paul/ @Cutter66 are around more. Although you both have put a ding/dent in my play money. 😉😉

      Par4QC It kind of dilutes the 'craziness', of buying for all members.

      Psssshhhh…I am minor league compared to some around here 😂🤣

      It is good to be back around on a more “full-time” basis as you put it…and tinkering around & building some clubs again…thanks for the words Pappy!

      LBlack14 have put a ding/dent in my play money.

      Ditto my man…

      I have aptly renamed February on my calendar to:

      “The Logical Par4 with a Cutt” month