LogicalOne lol, I guess I never fully read through the description πŸ™ƒ .... Did not realize these were forged body, maraging steel face. Coolio!

sdandrea1 $36 shipped!!

Only because today/right now, I think I'm 3 times better than the next person.
Tomorrow, I may offer $6.


sdandrea1 I would, I just don't want you using up all the poon... besides, I can order them directly from Kelly and get some with plastic still on them for myself...πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

Par4QC Thanks, got the box today. My NM community uses a single drop off for USPS, .7 miles from my house and I don't check often.

BTW, I re-checked the USPS Tracking link and it doesn't show "Proof of Delivery", might be a sender thing.

    Bravopilot I re-checked the USPS Tracking link and it doesn't show "Proof of Delivery", might be a sender thing.

    I've only seen that with UPS.
    USPS just says 'delivered'. 'Somewhere', sometimesπŸ˜‰.

      Par4QC Copy, mis-read your post, my bad. Yes, UPS does that for both sender/receiver

      Bravopilot FedEx has sent me pics the last few times I've ordered something and they shipped FedEx.

      Got my Neuro.X Tour driver, Leveler shaft, Neuro Tour 3W. Kelly was kind enough to include some nice gifts. Got up to 55 degrees yesterday and got to the range. Put the Leveler in the driver at full length -- I was hitting it awfully well after I loosened up a little, carrying it 5-10 yards further than my Epic under similar temps a few weeks ago. Put a Proforce 65 Gold into the 3W -- I've had success with the shaft and have a lot of them around. Sound and flight were solid, kept up with my other 3 woods off the mat, even though I wasn't making the greatest contact (some fat, some thin, hadn't swung a club in a couple of weeks). As they say in the rag trade, Good goods!

        One more thing to add -- everything was wrapped really, really well. I thought stuff I had ordered through Golf Partner in Japan came meticulously wrapped, but they have nothing on LogicalOne.