This goes back to the debate of "men are created equal" vs. "earned rights ".
I still don;t believe all are equal on every grounds, until proven or earned. I believe in equal opportunity but not hand out.
Criminal will find a way to get what they want regardless of the Law and Ordinance, hence they are the criminals.
The issue should not be whether gun kills people, it should be people killing people .
We can't prevent the crime but we could try to divert the trend before it happens. However, we could definitely prevent the ownership of firearms in the hands of the mentally ill and the unstable, and those whom could not exercise good judgement.
We have to renew our driver's license every 3-6 years , why not make the gun owners renew their privilege to own and carry fire arms ?
Last month we had a shooting in a movie theater with a young man "accidentally" discharging his side arm hitting the lady seated in front of him. He claimed t was an accident and the reason he carried side arm into a movie theater was afraid of " the mass shooting like the Aurora, Colorado shooting". This is a clear case of not able to exercise the safety of carrying a side arm and not using good judgement. Should these people be allowed to carry side arm ?
A mother was shot by her 2 year old toddler in a Walmart with her gun left in her purse which was in the shopping cart with the toddler. A tragedy, but again, should people not able to exercise good judgement be allow to carry something endangering themselves and those around them ?
When the the Second Amendment was put into place, the population was not as dense and firearms was needed to defend and sustain livelihood. In today;s society, we don't need side arms to fend off invaders or overthrow tax collectors, nor do we need firearms to bring home dinner for the family.
The ownership and use of firearm should not be a "born right", it should be an earned privilege in today's society.
Let's face it, accident will happen because we are dealing with the human factor, even with the strictest training and the sharpest mind set. So how do we save life ?
OK, range open, fire away.