fatshot I have become a better golfer now than earlier in my life. I stopped blaming my clubs (as much). And got serious about fixing the holes in my game. I wish I would have worked on my short game years ago.
Being around all the other seniors for the past several years, I've realized that I had to have decent swing mechanics in place before it's too late. I've probably said this before, but the mad slasher swings that a lot of guys get away with into their 50s, do not survive very well in the 70s. Almost every good golfer I play with has a nice smooth swing on a good plane.
Most of my mistakes are still mental ones. Almost always they are from trying to get close, from jail, after a missed green. When I go home and think woulda coulda shoulda, those are the things that stand out. If I top a drive or slice a 6 iron into the bunker, no regrets. It didn't happen because of wrong thinking. I'm able to laugh those off and carry on. But the flop shot that I bladed over the green, that pisses me off.