• The Clubhouse
  • American Crime Story - The People v. OJ Simpson (spoilers)


Enough to keep the manhunt for the "real" killer alive.

What I always couldn't figure out was why the DA didn't seek a change of venue for the case. The Rodney King riots were still fresh in everyone's memory. Maybe the DA looked at that as a policing issue and not a criminal justice issue? The series I think hints at that in the first couple of episodes prior to Cochran coming on board showing Clark & Co. strutting around the DA's office like the case was already won. Of course they thought the case would be tried on the evidence. They do show Clark immediately recognizing the danger when Cochran was brought on board however. I believe they could have still sought a change of venue at the time however. I can still remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when certain events in that case happened. My wife and I were living overseas but were home in CA on vacation at the time. We were staying at some friends house in SD when we learned Nicole and Ron had been murdered. We had moved on up the coast to her sister's house in Santa Cruz and I was watching the NBA finals w/my brother in law when they broke in for the Bronco chase. Later when we were going to LAX for our return flight I stopped to fill up our rental car and there were street vendors selling t-shirts emblazoned w/OJ's face and slogans like "let the juice run free". We bought a couple. When the verdict was read we were in a British pub in Manama, Bahrain and the verdict was shown live on a big screen TV. The place was packed - standing room only - to watch the verdict. Expats of all nationalities were there to watch the verdict of the "crime of the century". When he was found not guilty there was a gasp and then silence for about 5 seconds. It was unbelievable but totally believable all at the same time. The LADA's office got schooled big time in that case.

I find Cuba Gooding to be a terrible choice. He's not the least bit athletic looking and is smaller than everybody else in the show. They should've gotten a unknown for OJ, or (not that he'd do it) Idris Elba would've been good.
John Travolta's face is so weird that it's distracting. They sure make Bob Shapiro out to be a total idiot.
I'm enjoying it, you see how some of the things came about that we didn't know about before.
I loved when Chris Darden showed up in court and OJ says "Hey where' they get a black guy from?"
He really didn't think he was black, until he needed to be.

Watched the 1st episode. They lost me with Cuba as OJ. Really? That's the best they could do? His squeaky voice, not OJ. The way Travolta looks is disturbing and why do they seem to key on Marcia Clark's smoking??? The SHOW is piss poor if you ask me. They did get Darden and Cochran right though as far as characters go.

    LBlack14 Watched the 1st episode. They lost me with Cuba as OJ. Really? That's the best they could do? His squeaky voice, not OJ. The way Travolta looks is disturbing and why do they seem to key on Marcia Clark's smoking??? The SHOW is piss poor if you ask me. They did get Darden and Cochran right though as far as characters go.

    Travolta is absolutely terrible in this. Worst part of the series by a country mile. Also didn't love Cuba, but in a sense he's not much of the focus.

    I haven't watched it but I'll binge watch it and get all caught up soon. I had to go see for myself how these characters looked. OJ doesn't look that bad, although, I love Cuba Gooding Jr. so I might have some bias.

    Johnnie Cochran looks pretty well cast as does Marcia Clark. Travolta (more like Revolta) is supposed to be Shapiro?

    See for yourself, if you haven't seen these characters:


    I would think if you are using his name and likeness in a fictional series, which is what this "docudrama" is, he would be entitled to something, and I imagine this was negotiated before taping ever began.


      OJ lost a civil suit by the families of his victims. So far they have collected about 1% of the judgment as it seems OJ hid most of his assets. It is ironic, but when he burglarized the room in Vegas, he claimed he was trying to reclaim assets taken from him. For OJ this turned out to be a problem, because these were assets he had claimed in previous court documents not to have in his possession.

      The Goldman family has not stopped pursing his assets. They have repeatedly stated it is not about the money, but rather the only justice they will ever get from our justice system. I suspect they already have made claims for any proceeds.

      OJ is due for a parole hearing for his 33 year burglary sentence in about 3 years. You can be sure the Goldman's will show up to testify as to why he should be denied parole. OJ does have a 20-25K a month NFL pension which the courts could not touch. So he has money for legal counsel which can be present at his hearing. However, the actual hearing is only about parole and the members of the parole board convene in private for their deliberation after the hearing.


      Yep. Of course - the guy is an idiot and doesn't realize that if that is indeed the knife that was used - he could face legal action of some sort.

      Not sure if any of you guys are watching the 2nd season of Better Call Saul... anyway - this guy reminds me of the drug dealer during the most recent episode, who went to the police to report that his house was broken into and his baseball card collection was stolen. LOL...