OJ lost a civil suit by the families of his victims. So far they have collected about 1% of the judgment as it seems OJ hid most of his assets. It is ironic, but when he burglarized the room in Vegas, he claimed he was trying to reclaim assets taken from him. For OJ this turned out to be a problem, because these were assets he had claimed in previous court documents not to have in his possession.
The Goldman family has not stopped pursing his assets. They have repeatedly stated it is not about the money, but rather the only justice they will ever get from our justice system. I suspect they already have made claims for any proceeds.
OJ is due for a parole hearing for his 33 year burglary sentence in about 3 years. You can be sure the Goldman's will show up to testify as to why he should be denied parole. OJ does have a 20-25K a month NFL pension which the courts could not touch. So he has money for legal counsel which can be present at his hearing. However, the actual hearing is only about parole and the members of the parole board convene in private for their deliberation after the hearing.