Well, here's the 1st post on this project of mine.
This is a Sun Mountain Micro Cart Sport. I picked it up last Saturday for $75.00, in Tustin. I found it on Craigslist, and I knew it was going to take some time and money to get it the way I want it.
I went with a used, and beat up cart because I didn't see any reason to buy an expensive one just to tear it apart and change the color.

I have already ordered wheels and brake assembly from Sun Mountain.
I've also ordered a very thin sheet of adhesive backed Teflon 0.01" thick. I plan on using that to make sure that any slide points are free, and slide easily.
I started off pulling parts off the handle then testing the color I'm thinking about. The color I'm wanting is a pearlescent white, heavy on the pearlescent. I also plan on mixing up some blue and purple pearlescent in some clear for the topcoat.