PA-PLAYA quite frankly I can no longer tolerate the political bullshit. Bunch of rich folks hollering and screaming about equality on stage,
They name this "calling" and it's their responsibility to criticize and attack their dislikes on stage.
They should have leave it in their own house. I wanted to change the channel but wife needs to rewind from a hard working day ( half called in sick ) so I had to pretend to watch it while turned on my laptop.
In fact when Adele off tune with the first run of the tribute to G.M. I looked up and asked who was that ? Sounded awful.... Then Adele tried the second time and it was a very difficult tune without back ground support and a relatively new tune to perform. She is a very unique performer. I love her tunes but it gets thick sometimes. Her songs are demanding on the audience just like it's demanding on the performer.
Anyhow. When I watch Grammy,..... I expected to be entertained, don't like to hear much about the politics during the performance ( kinda like bringing the bathroom into the dinning room ). Especially if anyone not agreeing with the point of view being presented on the stage for the general public.
Bruno Mars was the best in paying tribute to Prince. No one could be another Prince but he did come close.
Beyonce did not gain any more talent with the pregnancy.... Quite a few funny moments.
I can't say it was a total disappointment, just not well planned , too many representation from the minority groups simply because several times it was loud and clear that the minority group did not have the "representation". Hey, earn the right to be on the stage , just like everyone else. I rather not watch those whom should not be there from the beginning just to see their face...... It turned into a charity case.......