Monday is the first anniversary of the death of my mother. This past year has been a challenge in many ways, but nothing really prepares you for life without your parents. I am thankful for the time I had with each of them and how much they loved me, taught, and provided for me. Losing those that unconditionally love you is tough. They were my biggest fans, without them, sometimes, I feel like a rock band who have sunk from playing stadiums, to playing the center at the local tribal casino. I pray they are in a better place and that one day, I will see them again. In the past year, I realized how neat my mom really was and how lucky I was to be hers.

I love and miss you mom, thank you for all have and continue to do for me.

    It sounds like she was a special lady. I'm sure your mom is in a better place and looking down and smiling on you. That's not nearly enough consolation, I know... there are just some people in our lives that God never intended to be replaced, and loving parents top the list.

    Thinking of you tomorrow, buddy.

    I can't imagine. My parents, especially, my mother, is my best friend in this world. I sympathize. I've went through the loss of other parents close to my mother and it has always broke my heart to the core. When one of my parents pass, you will know. My heart goes out to you Brad!

    Hey Brad,

    Your love and memories will always keep her spirit close

    Very sorry for lonely spot. No one else can forge the bond of a good mother, and the memories and lessons never go away. Mine passed away 32 years ago, but has never stopped impacting the way I live or the way I interact socially.

    I can't imagine the adjustment without my parents, I'm sorry for your loss. As odd as it may sound, my neighbor said something that stuck with me in a time of loss "nobody truly dies, unless we let the memory of them pass." I think that's true in many ways. We may not be able to call them and say hello, but we can always call up our memories of them and have that comfort. I hope you have many precious memories of her and even when you question yourself and would have looked to her for guidance, realize her teachings have now become your reference, you simply have to call upon them again in a different way.

    Best wishes to you and your family.

    Thinking of you..... Prayers.......... Focus on nothing but good thoughts and memories!


    I'm so sorry.

    My wife losing both her parents was very difficult and gave her a sense of not having a place to truly call home.

    My dad, soon to be 93, is the last of our four.

    I will be calling him tonight.

    Wow where does the time go?
    Seems like yesterday we were messaging on this.
    Be well, my friend.

    Hang in Brad. She is gone but never forgotten.

    Best wishes to You Brad. It will get better though it seems like it never will.

    Thanks for all of the replies. I am doing OK, but just rather empty. I am focusing on trying to improve somethings in myself and at some point, I may be able to enjoy life again.