Spuzz Bravopilot Are you guys talking about the COSTCO balls? Didn't realize there are two versions?? https://golfbuzz.com/d/10868-latest-kirkland-ball/6
johnnydoom Spuzz Apparently I'm one of the few that more spin doesn't hurt. Can't really say it helps, but apparently I get enough extra carry with the spin to make up for any lost roll. I also don't generally hit a lot of curve balls, so the spin doesn't much penalize me in that area either.
ode KCee 3 pc. Ball = very spinny, for me short off the tee which is a non starter. The 4 pc. Ball was very good!
sdandrea1 ode 3 pc. Ball = very spinny, for me short off the tee which is a non starter. The 4 pc. Ball was very good! I have found that ANYTHING more than a 2-piece ball degrades my game.
sdandrea1 Eguller Even with your new found confidence and short game prowess. ? π Nope. The 3+ layer balls seem dead off the driver for me.
Par4QC sdandrea1 The softest ball I've ever hit is the Pro V1. Also, maybe the shortest I've hit. ProV1x is dynamite OTOH.
sdandrea1 When they appear in the stores, I'm going to open a set and put just the 8, 9, & W in my cart and see what happens at checkout. π
Par4QC Subsonic Too bad you already bought. Found the set for ya, with the correct shafts.................and price. Actually cheaper. https://www.ramgolf.com/ram-golf-fx77-stainless-steel-players-distance-iron-set-4-pw-mens-right-hand/
Weirfan Par4QC Likely cheaper as not forged.....it looks from the USGA photo that the Kirkland will at least be in part forged.... These rams look nice though and also available in black
Par4QC Weirfan Yeah, but look at this..... RAM FX-77 irons feel and perform like irons that cost six times as much! Do others say that? migawd. π€£
sdandrea1 Par4QC RAM FX-77 irons feel and perform like irons that cost six times as much! Well, hell.
sdandrea1 https://www.ebay.com/itm/384036540484?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=3Jt2tSFISeS&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=gkembjqfqqy&var=652881153066&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY