Yipsy When range and charging times improve and cost of replacing batteries drop
They will, sooner rather than later.
Political influence is very real when it comes to energy prices. There are certainly many things that are out of political control. For instance, if Saudi Arabia and Mexico say they won't sell to U.S. companies anymore for political reasons, our prices would necessarily increase. Or if China commits to buying crude at whatever the price may be, that could drive up the costs.
But our leaders have influence over those relationships and over regulations that can buffer those things. When the price of oil shot up under G.W. Bush, it turned people very much against him. With the high prices came fracking, which increased U.S. production. Even though later politicians (Obama, Biden, and now Harris) were under considerable pressure to regulate or ban fracking from their own base, they did not do it because they were wise enough to know that fracking is a buffering agent against global prices and to remove it could be political suicide if prices quickly went back to GWB levels. They ended up not having to do anything because prices dropped back low enough to make it inefficient again.