shokosugi Same price here essentially in B.C - gas prices have been steadily trending upwards since last week -currently at about $2.30/litre CAD or around $6/gallon
Par4QC In 24 hrs. the price went $3.83-$3.65-$3.89 now. WTH? Ain't no damn $3 gas. Never will be again.
bigshank Well I must live in Bendover because we were at 3.95 for awhile. About 4 days ago it jumped overnight to $4.31. Two days later $4.57. I’m so fucking tired of the bullshit
Par4QC bigshank Yeah, I'm trying to understand how it can be almost $1 less than where I live. Except for the fact I live in IL. Gotta pay to take a crap here.
bigshank I’m in a rural area Stanwood Wa. About an hour and 15 minutes north of Seattle. Seattle is an absolute shithole I think gas for them is probably a dollar more than up here. Different county. Our governor is a fucking butt buddy with that governor in California. Whatever shitty tax ideas he has our copies him. He’s got another .50 per gallon tax starting January 1st. We’re already too high. I feel like they are trying to bankrupt us. Me and the wife do pretty good but I feel for the people scraping by. No relief in sight
bigshank DonM I know it’s hard not to lol. I’ve got 10 more years til retirement if nothing gets better I might be your neighbor. Seriously looking into Texas and Montana. Hot or cold is the decision. I know I won’t be here
garyt1957 It's gone up hete in MI in the last few days. Nobody was over $4 a gallon, now very few are under
sdandrea1 The disparity in prices across the US is baffling. Our "normal" stations here (not BJs or COSTCO) are $3.15.
Par4QC johnnydoom Yeah, doesn't really affect me at all. Filled up in mid July and again just last week. But still, hate getting 'bent over' by all these shitheads.
Sparky SoCal report.....$6.69 at our local station. The station next to the FWY....$7.09. On the news yesterday said the price was up $0.74 in one week. That was before the $0.20 overnight hike.
Par4QC Sparky Up to $3.99 here yesterday. 1 drop, 2 increases in a week. "Winter blend" time, I suppose they will say. Don't know the excuses you here out there.