Supp All the Roadrunning by Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris has been stuck in my head for a couple of weeks.
FauxAmish Jrock, I have been in touch with Weirfan and let him know that, at least to me, that every time I come into this thread that his video immediately starts playing without me even coming close to his post. He says he can't change it and that it is not happening to him. Anybody else experiencing this with his video post?
FauxAmish Weirfan I was hoping that Justin could figure what may be happening without you having to delete the video. That's why I asked if anyone else was experiencing what I am.
Oldprof Ever since David Bowie died this song has been running through my head. I saw this performance when it was first broadcast on The Midnight Special TV show. I was naive back then and Bowie's costume and mannerisms did shock me at the time. But this is a great song!
LBlack14 Toulon I liked your "Happy" video so much better. You just needed to lose the shirt. That's my favorite winter "Polo"! Reckon I could've un-zipped the collar a bit.
Subsonic You need to listen to it and give it a chance. Good beat, rhythm and melody. Great Lyrics. My New Golf Bag has a radio, so you will be hearing a ton of it this summer. Why you wanna do me like that. papaD?
FauxAmish Typhoon how do you attach a video from Youtube? "You can't upload video to our servers, but we've made it super easy to embed video from YouTube, Vimeo and other sources. All you have to do is paste the link of the video in your post and it appears fully embedded like magic!" See Feedback and Support - How to Guides