I've pretty much stopped going to the local golf shows. My buddies are like, "are you crazy? you get all these freebies, Golf magazine, Golf digest, etc."
One - I'm not that interested in golf equipment to travel 90 minutes and walk around for 6 hours to see mostly what I call gimmicky stuff. Even when I check out the golf equipment, there are never the same options for lefties... always having to demo stuff that either isn't spec'd like I need it to be, or stuff that I'd never purchase to begin with. And then, all of those freebies... spam city. They gotta have a current email address to get in for the reduced price. Still sending unsubscribe forms out a year later from all the crap I've received since going to the one in Jersey last winter.
No thanks. Not my cup of tea, not even during the doldrums of winter.