18 days later

jrock email me the pic and I'll update for you

It's a browser issue. Tried at least 10x on IE. To no avail.
I then switched to another browser and Bingo๐Ÿ˜…

3 months later
22 days later

puttnfool Jeremy sorry so long (almost a year to respond) changed computers and got busy forgot to get back with you. I am in Alabama just south of Birmingham,

    Eagleone puttnfool Jeremy sorry so long (almost a year to respond) changed computers and got busy forgot to get back with you. I am in Alabama just south of Birmingham,

    Puttnfool may not be a member of this forum anymore.

    11 days later

    Trying to show up here and there again. It's f'in snowing again today so this is my golf fix ๐Ÿ™

      2 months later

      KCee If I ever swing that way, not that there's anything wrong with that, it would be with you Dynamite Roll.

      You guys get a room! NTTAWWT. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      2 months later

      Did someone say 300 yards with an X Shaft?

        jrock changed the title to 2018 Roll Call .
        2 months later

        jrock Hereโ€™s Johnnie! Eventually. Lol. Just a quick note to say that Iโ€™ve missed you guys and life is getting back to normal. As it can be with me.

        So missed DS again this year but most of all I miss the people. Iโ€™m hoping to make next year but canโ€™t make any promises again. We will see.

        Best to all of you.