Sneakylong Here's what Paul said in 2019 when he declined a fee to play in the Saudi International.
“Signing a deal and being paid to be down there ... I would be a hypocrite if I did that,” Casey said then. “Anybody who says sport isn't political, that's rubbish. Sport is very political. I'm glad I took a stance, more so if it highlights the issues within the region.” 🙄
My point exactly. It's easy to say all that when it doesn't really cost you anything. Not playing there didn't hurt him and he could "take a stand". But put all that money in front of him , and I mean really in front of him as in "sign here, Sir" and Paul's stand went out the window. But I bet he was totally sincere when he made that statement. Had you said "What if you were offered a $100 million? He'd say no way. UNTIL, that $100 million is right in front of him for the taking. That's why I say no ordinary person can really say they'd turn it down. It's not being offered so it's easy to say you wouldn't take it.