Too many players are willing too look the other way and take (greedy) appearance money from a country looking to ‘sports wash’ away is reputation as a human rights violator. Pure and simple.
As far as the celebrity aspect. If we remember right a few years ago comedian George Lopez was the host of the old ‘Bob Hope’ tournament. His antics upset the old guard and he was fired from that duty. After that many celebs boycotted the tournament.
And it spilled over to the Pebble Beach Tournament. Ironically when George Lopez interviewed Lee Trevino on the Golf Channel when he was the host, Lee said he thought that he (George) saved the tournament.
Too many of the younger players in ALL sports don’t bother to learn the history of ‘their’ sport. It’s a shame really. Golf like baseball is reliant on tradition and historical perspective more than other sports.
Too many of the younger generation are ignorant of their own sports history. To their own detriment imo.