garyt1957 Sneakylong. Audio makes the most sense to me , all but one vowel. Put the E in the next word and you're off to a good start
Sneakylong garyt1957 Again, don’t play the game, but the NY Times guy liked AROSE. Try it and see how it goes.
Stu1961 garyt1957 You’ll want the “Y” too in your second guess, plus common consonants - so maybe “TYRES”? I used to use “Adieu” first, but found I had a better chance at solving in two tries if I used “Story” first.
sdandrea1 garyt1957 . I didn't think it took names like Louie? I didn't either. My brother tried it and it took it. ????
johnnydoom Gave it a try today. Would have helped if I looked to see what the colors mean ahead of time. Hopefully I'll give it a better go tomorrow.
Stu1961 3 for me today ... though it was a 50-50 guess as to what the second letter would be, and for once I guessed right 😜