Not an appealing look to me. Would not care that much if it performed, though.

    I know it is the name of your line, but I dislike "Felon." Two Latin words are felo, or reus. I would have put "felo" in a lower case script with 1/2" letters on the sole.

    It should be a felony not posting pics of the crown, face, and what the club looks like at address!

    How does it look, it looks OK, nothing special, like you just got issued a municipal citation.

    Personally, I think you should stick with the black and blue color scheme from all the Felon drivers of the past. That black and green design, as someone else mentioned, is too reminiscent of the Bombtech Grenade - and some may even look at it as a Bombtech knockoff for that reason.

    I'd rather think Krank Formula 5

    Ya got a 2.0, for guys like me.😭


    I rarely say anything concerning Diamond Tour or Value Golf BUT I must address that color scheme....Jason that looks just fair.!

    You're trying to sell a Felony Must incorporate Reds....lose that Bombtech/Krank knockoff green look. Whites/Reds and whatever to make it look WANTED!

    That looks boring as it looks now. I hope you haven't gone into production finishes yet?
    Good Luck

    If you're going to stick with the white letters add black stripes to resemble prison garb.
    You really want to be different put some cool hydrographics on the crown! 🙂

    I hate illegal clubs. Hate them. Hate them. Hate them. I think that if we are going to have illegal clubs, there should be one feature that they all share, and that is "Illegal" printed in orange letters on their crown.

      I guess that I'm with those who have said to ditch the green. Although it looks decent, the first thing I thought of when seeing it was Bombtech Grenade. Just satin black with satin white trim would be appropriate as they would remind of the old style prison uniforms of black and white stripes. Now you see orange prison uniforms so I guess if you replaced the green with orange it would be good also.

        mulegolf Now you see orange prison uniforms so I guess if you replaced the green with orange it would be good also.


        May have to try it if nothing else but to see how it matches up with the Felon balls I have


        You could even start a ladies version and trim it in pink (in honor of the pink prison uniforms for prisoners in Arizona where the sheriff outfits them that way). LOL

        DTG-HUR-JASON I agree with others about the green. I would prefer to see some bold reds and an old style "WANTED" text and border around it. This thing needs to scream illegal.