The big boy formerly known as "kapoord75" here, aka Dave. Hello all. Excited to see the new digs!
Say hello
Hey! Nice to see you and hope all is going well with you
It looks like they'll let anybody in this place. Even me! Thanks Rammers! Hello to everyone. I said it once before, hello from the poster formerly known as PaunchyBald. When does Lars Vegas get here?
Good to see you posting again. Haven't seen you since the Hoosier outing in '08 or '09 IIRC.
Good to be here.
FauxAmish Haven't played much golf since then either. 50 hours at work, 10 hours commute, makes for very little leisure time.
Hope that gets better for you.
I made it. This looks promising!
I think the two previous respondents have said it as good as it can be said.
Two Brethren stating how they feel about relationships established and once again connected, with the promise of continuance.
Good to see so many friends! I did make it! Feels more like HOME!
Like FGI2....what's up boys?
LB, get my snow picture up there brutha!