Just curious...your city and state please.

70 degrees at 8:30 PM, just north of Tampa, Florida. Slightly more humid than the last few days. Should be low 60's when we tee off at 7:22 AM tomorrow with a high of ~ 80 degrees.

Northwest Ohio.....played golf today(!) in 60 degree sunshine.....a little breezy though. When I got home, I
decided to put the outdoor Christmas lights up while it was still warm enough to do it in comfort. One more
unseasonably warm day tomorrow, then back to the normal 30-40 degree stuff and below freezing at night.

Was 60° today, mostly sunny. Just north of Cincinnati.

It was 60s here (metro Detroit) and i also played today. It's back to cold soon for us too. March will come soon though... right?

Very very WET !
I wish I could say that to other things in life...............
Snowing like hell in the pass and the mountains. Ski season had started last week . Now they're charging for parking in the street near the slope.....pits.

In VA we had a rainy cool day in the 60s. Sneaky already reported on my FL casa's weather. Heading back late next month once this knee heals.

NE Wisconsin....50ish....rained like a mofo last night....good weather for another week, then it looks like, sub 30's.

Rainy and 40's here in Massachusetts. No better tomorrow....golf repellant.

Seems like still good weather across the country.

Near Tulsa, Oklahoma. 53* and sunny tomorrow.

In NE Kansas we had our last warm day yesterday. The cold Canadian air is on it's way and will be highs in the upper 40's with cold overnight temps. There is even a chance of a trace of snow next weekend mixed with rain depending on how far south the cold front makes it.

High 70s to low 80s today. Was 70 degrees at 8 o'clock this morning here in the extreme SE corner of Virginia.

It's getting cold up here. The highs currently are in the mid-twenties - and dropping.
The courses here have been closed for almost a month now. Winter is moving in and we won't have an opportunity to golf until at least mid-April

Just spoke to a good friend in Arkansas 29 degrees and as low as19 tonight....ouch

It's been unseasonably mild here in the Lehigh Valley the past few days, with some much needed rain showers and daytime highs in the low 50's. Clearing up tonight and the next 4-5 days look dry and back to more normal mid-40's daytime highs.

Last month we had over 6" of rain about three times the norm. So far this month we have had about 2" but also 5-20 mph most every day. The rest of this month and next it looks like temps in the low to mid 40's with rain every other day. Still high winds as well with some chance of snow around Xmas week. A few years ago I would be playing most every day, but I have become a wuss and probably will play perhaps 7/8 times.

image /assets/images/0-64-PKLEDg2n0XoOKGow.jpg

This is about 2900 ft in elevation
Indian Summer today might snow in the low land in a few days.


I found a ball like that, albeit in much thicker branches a couple of weeks ago. I pulled it before I thought to take a picture.