Rickochet Spuzz These are the worst. Gee, thanks Spuzz. What is seen cannot be unseen. I guess it is better than a red cheesy ass crack.
Typhoon sdandrea1 seems all women think they look great in black tights (yoga pants). Doesn't matter if their ass is perfect or the size of Jupiter. Oh, you were in Walmart today were you…
sdandrea1 I just watched a little old lady pummel an annoying know-it-all nerd on Jeopardy. It was awesome. He did NOT see her coming. 😉
Rickochet If Alec Balwin goes to jail for the shooting will Trump do an SNL skit dressed as an inmate?
mulegolf sdandrea1 Why did the Flintstones celebrate Christmas? They didn't know either but it was in the script, so...
Rickochet When you get up in the morning never put eyedrops in your coffee or liquid sweetener in your eyes. A friend told me that. 😜
sdandrea1 Rickochet When you get up in the morning never put eyedrops in your coffee or liquid sweetener in your eyes. A friend told me that. Contact lens cleaner drops makes lousy eye drops. Same friend......
Par4QC If contractors are so good at what they do, building, why is there still air in my house after all these years? Defective doors/windows? Always cutting corners, those bastages.
KCee azgreg Yeah but was this a written survey because like 10% of the US population can't read so.......
propman azgreg a investment pro (John Bogle) cited a survey wherein 70% of Americans thought they were above avg ir intelligence.