Rickochet Would someone please find the jerk that wrote the GEICO commercial with the bagpipes and shoot that sumbich. Also find the jerk that is showing it 100 times per hour and shoot that sumbich also.
LBlack14 Typhoon Drank half a jar of Dreamsicle last night. Tonite might me Apple Pie How was it?? How'd ya feel this morning?? Drankin' alone??
Mattyv Typhoon The wife and I used to have this problem. We decided that it would be better if I just did all the painting.
Spuzz Mattyv The wife and I used to have this problem Same here, but for one day only. I had a day off and she instructed me to paint a wall in our new apartment. I sucked at it and got permanently fired 10 minutes after she came home.
Par4QC Carmen Legge would have said...boot strap. Hopes would have been dashed. Waiting for someone to fall down a shaft, breaking a neck. The pit must be found!!
Eguller Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac ?