Toulon Anyone familiar with these guys?
Par4QC You are lucky those are heads only, and too much for me right now to spend. Otherwise, I'd be on your ass. Again. 🤣 They do look really nice!!
Toulon I may buy a set and then list them here after a week of them sitting in my closet and me realizing they'll never be swung or hit. Of course, at considerable savings to you but slightly out of Steve's price range.
sdandrea1 Toulon Of course, at considerable savings to you but slightly out of Steve's price range. Lately, I have a new price range, but my legacy is intact.
Typhoon Sweet looking heads. I looked into them before. Problem is they have 2 bad features... they are expensive AND they are components. You’re better off looking for a preowned set for short money. Don’t be the sap that pays full boat and is left with a set of components that nobody will pay $12 shipped for.
Toulon Typhoon This fine Canadian is offering a steal! BTW, his set looks like how my set would look. Still in plastic! 😂