Sparky First day with the new PXG Black Ops driver, and it was BAD! Same shaft and same weight distribution that I use with my Gen 5 driver. Yet the Black Ops was a crazy fade machine. When I did get it in the fairway, it was LONG. My usual is 235, and if I nuke it 250-255. The first straight one with the Black Ops was 280. But most of them were hard fades that really hit and rolled deeper into trouble. Not a good day 1.
Spent a good hour on the simulator at our local course messing with the drivers. In the end, the Black Ops head was maybe 2-3 yards longer than my Gen5, but I just could not square up the face consistently. One more regular range session confirmed it was not a good head for me. Listed the club on WRX, and sold the head in 24 minutes. Back to the Gen5, although I picked up a Geek DCT head for cheap on ebay for some nostalgia.
Very sad to see the simulator showing driver carry at 230 now. Turning 60 in 2 weeks, so I knew already, just depressing to see it confirmed. But started going to the gym again last week, so I expect to see 250 again in a couple of weeks. π