toraider Cutter66 Hey Paul, I must be the only one on GB that hasn’t purchased something from you yet. Lol...please send. Thanks, Al
Par4QC toraider I must be the only one on GB that hasn’t purchased something from you yet. How did your membership get approved? Thought this was a prerequisite.
sdandrea1 toraider I must be the only one on GB that hasn’t purchased something from you yet. Lol...please send. I didn't think that unicorn existed!
toraider Par4QC Thankfully grandfathered from FGI to buy nostalgic irons like your Purefits and Paul's Alphas!
toraider YafflDaffl Will do... candukid Pot meet Kettle...LOL! Walterjn I've been around these parts for years. What’s your excuse!