Some shafts will spin less for you due to the profile. I have a few HOF shafts and the Express works ok for me, stiff tip but not my profile so I’ll probably unload it. Spin is low, but I don’t need the shaft.
Big thing to look at before you go crazy Cutter is your set up. If your spin is high, where are you playing the ball in your stance? What is your angle of attack? Your AOA should be over 5 degrees up to get that spin down.
Sims are fine... we have 2 "About Golf 3 trak" systems and the brand new GCQuad at our place. They all read very close to one another. I knew the Quad would be correct but was pleasantly surprised to see the sim being right there with it. Also, like Rex said what kind of ball and see if the sim has a setting for premium or standard ball. Track man is great outdoors, but not indoors.