meagain DonM Maine West, an unbelievable High School. Like nothing I had ever seen. More like a college.
meagain DonM Only went there for like 6 months. Was at the same time John Wayne Gacy was in Des Plains doing his thing.
Par4QC Eguller That even has bark, like a pine tree. Euell would have loved it....plate and all maybe.
Eguller rsvman2 This thread is epic. Yep. And the ice cream and pie are the only way to indulge for a taste treat. 😋
mulegolf Rickochet I was doing research thinking about using Grape Nuts to resurface my sidewalk. They work really good in a sandblaster when you sand blast the faces on your irons.
Rickochet mulegolf They work really good in a sandblaster when you sand blast the faces on your irons. I always heard that they used to throw crushed walnut shells into the old jet engines to clean them out. Grape nuts might do that also. 😛
sdandrea1 I was mistaken. @Bravopilot 's gift box contained 10 boxes, so I had 17. Just finished one. 9 more 20 Oz boxes and 6 more regular size boxes.
Typhoon sdandrea1 Dude, if there really is a shortage down there why don’t you start selling some boxes to the other seniors in need before they go bad. $12 shipped to their door.Get your ass in you golf cart and drive around the community delivering.
Par4QC I used up the only box I had, yesterday. The wife wanted the living room floor refinished, so..... 😲
Par4QC Typhoon 🤣Door to door Grape Nuts salesman!! btw, those boxes are good for a year yet, most of them anyway. They will still be good, taste good & be crunchy long after the date, but their nutritional value will diminish, per exp. date.
sdandrea1 Typhoon you start selling some boxes to the other seniors in need before they go bad. They don't go bad.......I just change the date with a Sharpie.
mikeintopeka I wonder if Post cereal brand has ever commissioned medical research to see if a dedicated daily consumer of Grape-Nuts really has a need to have a colonoscopy? On the other hand,Post may have realized it would be a toss-up anyway going through colonoscopy prep vs eating these things every day for 5 years.
Rickochet sdandrea1 They don't go bad.......I just change the date with a Sharpie. It is not a "Best used by" date it is a "Best used by" decade.