Ynotgolf Wow. Consider yourself fortunate if you don't know what yinz means, because obviously you've never had the misfortune if hanging out in Pittsburgh for any length of time.
For yinz information, here is some more Pittsburghese for yinz:
Red up. This means to straighten up or clean up.
Nebby. The rest of the world uses the word nosy for this.
Jumbo. This is what they call bologna. Seriously.
Isaly's. This is the name of a very watery, not too tasty barbecue sauce that the locals eat on very thinly sliced ham, which, by the way, they call 'chip-chopped ham.' You can't make this stuff up.
Spicket. This is what you get water from outside your house, known to civilized humans as a spigot.
Gum band. This is what they call a rubber band.
I could go on and on, but it is beginning to give me hives.