So now that I've started rehab for that stroke thing,it's a little ways from parking lot
to the 3rd. floor at the hospital.
These walkers really come in handy....but in true 'darpar' style I just had to make it
look a little different,.
Plus this one is about 8lbs, lighter than my FIL's,which will make it a LOT easier for my
wife to get it in and out of the car.
Pimped out my new Walker!
Man I gotta love your attitude. Keep upright and keep moving forward. I'll keep giving a little prayer.
Next my FIL's,the new one looks non-conforming!
I'm looking for the spot where your golf bag attaches?
Where is the cooler?
Not making light of your situation, but I could use one of those right now. I'm rootin' for ya!!!
The ultra lite was much cheaper than I thought it would be,less than $90 @ Walgreens.
I hate John Deere golf course equipment. Fuckin' midget designers, have to be.
I have a T-Shirt that says “I’m Big in Japan”
Typhoon I have a T-Shirt that says “I’m Big in Japan”
LOL! Back in 1984 i had to go to Hong Kong and Singapore for business. I swear I was the tallest person among millions. I would walk out of the hotel in the city to get a cab and standing in throngs of people walking up and down the sidewalks, I could see for MILES.....right over everyone's heads.