UnholyDefenestrator78 This may well be the most ignorant post you will ever make, along with the most ignorant thought that ever went through your brain. You need real help, ASAP.
"America" has been around since 1492 or 1507 or 1776, however you wish to look at it. So, for over 500+ or 300+ years, what you have listed has and is still going on. And will go on forever it seems. And btw, it is a 'world' thing, not just limited to "America". You need to do more about it, which you are actually doing less/harming the cause by making posts here that upset people. YOU are discriminating against this forum, as a whole and individually. You have no clue to the background of anyone you cannot see. You have no idea of the family makeup of any member here.
You are certainly not helping 'the promise'.
You are a bigot. In many forms.
You discriminate against those that think differently than you....or those that you 'assume' think differently than you.
You spread hate, and cause hate to be spread by others.
Yet, the world is at fault? Not those that are causing the fault???
Now, go Google. Fact check my dates. 😄
And BTW.....do you know anything about @LBlack14 's family????