1977: Bus skids on snowy road for 3 seconds, no collision, but in the "panic" little Timmy bangs elbow on little Johnny's head.
Everyone laughs
2023: Bus skids on snowy road for 1 seconds, no collision, but in the "panic" little Timmy hyperventilates and goes into a panic attack and little Johnny's parents sue little Timmy, the ISD, the bus company, and the state government because little Johnny was traumatized by little Timmy's panic attack. Little Timmy's parents countersue everyone. Meanwhile BravoPilot wonders why his property taxes went up and complains online about it, not realizing its because of everyone suing the school over everything. Meanwhile, BravoPilot complains to his local and state representatives about property tax hikes and threatens to vote them out of office if any other taxes are increased. Meanwhile the state government is facing crippling deficits and the price of gas and diesel at record highs, rising wage pressures, general inflation, etc means they can't afford as many snow plow trucks in operation, hence even greater risk of bus skid incidents with actual injuries and million dollar payouts, not $100k payouts. Vicious cycle continues, but hey... a meme is funny so it MUST be true and logical!