Hireko had a round non-tapered Karma black and white wrap putter grip several years back that was 17" or 19". They were on clearance for the longest time. Every time I ordered something, I'd add a couple of those and a couple of those $1.49 Dynacraft headcovers. I must have at least a dozen of those grips. Used to put them on my wedges. One of the older local pros, who taught out of a driving range we used to frequent, used to rib me about them. But I finally got him to try one, and how easy it was to grip down, and the next time I saw him, he asked if I had any. The only problem is they could be too long for the shaft taper, so they wouldn't stick at the bottom unless you built up a few layers.
They were easily shortened, and you could use an old fashioned grip color or whipping to finish them off. Since they were a wrap, I figured the underlistings could be used if you had leather grips you wanted to salvage from other clubs.