2 months later


You should be listening to this...

Record label just released this video over he weekend. A lot of slo-motion Nick hair😀

    24 days later

    I've been on a "stereo system" quest. (More expensive than this year's new drivers.). And, I've been working on playing vinyl as I recently upgraded my turntable with a new cartridge. Just received three new albums - as master recordings on 200 gram vinyl. All are great recordings!
    How's this for an array: Alison Krauss and Union Station "So Long, So Wrong" (1997), Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble "Texas Flood" (1983), and Richard Strauss' "Also Sprach Sarathustra" by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra (1954).

      professor Sounds like a great line up. I’m not so gung-ho on vinyl, but I’m a fan of Stevie Ray, Allison, and classical music in any format. Being at least half deaf I can’t really distinguish anything but pretty crude levels of audio quality. Can’t say I know much about Strauss, but I’ll give it a listen

      Just the beginning movement of the Strauss folks know from 2001 a Space Odyssey. The whole concerto is amazing! One of the best ever.


      They nailed that Chicago cover. The guitarist got Terry Kath's style spot on. Excellent!

      Nick played today in Sweden. Cool thing to hat brought tears to my eyes was I was out playing the 9th hole when the live feed came on my phone. Me and my guys got to play the last hole and watch him. Been playing here since I was 13...never would have dreamed back then I'd be playing the same hole and watching my kid doing this.

      18 days later
      14 days later
      25 days later
      20 days later

      I bought a pair of tickets for my wife's birthday and attended the Boz Scaggs concert last night. Now I'm replaying his hits on my youtube channel. The house was filled with Baby Boomers connecting with their past.

      My dad is currently in the middle of a major heart surgery that has low odds of success. Our relationship has been non-existent for years. There's an incredible amount of pain tied up in just typing about him, but I may get the news any moment that he is gone. I couldn't have foreseen how much I would be affected by the thought. Always thought I'd have the chance to at least say goodbye. I hope he makes it and I get that chance... (Just got news that he survived the surgery... I will get a second chance at this)


      THAT was very enjoyable. They're in nearby Wilmington, DE on October 19th... would love to go down and check it out.

      Joe Cocker - A Little Help From My Friends. Our band is adding this tune for the October gig.

      4 months later

      I continue to be in complete awe of the incredible talent of countless musicians on YouTube. This guy appeared on my feed last week. He can't be much older than 16, if that?

      5 days later

      Was Neil skinny like this when he was young or just that big of a cokehead?

      And what's the deal with the goofy hooded dancers? Is this a weird Canadian thing?🤔🤭

      recent remix of one of my all time fav songs by my one of my top 3 all time fav artists

      • ode likes this.
      8 days later

      Pretty neat cover of one of my favorites. Kid's got a nice voice too.

      Living on my Own, by Freddie Mercury