Just a bad combo today. Single figure (Celsius) temps are way lower than normal for this time year. Wind and rain I can normally handle but with the cold there was no feeling in my hands and fingers, I came close to launching a couple of clubs it was so difficult to grip. Then it starts to get through your clothing (even waterproofs). Once you're wet there you're not getting warm again without a shower and a change of clothes. Annoyingly, last March/April/May we had record highs and 2 days light rain 1n 10 weeks. Shame we were in lockdown and golf courses were closed.
Bring us some decent weather when you come back.
Ticks are always around, this was a largely semi-rural area up until 25-30 years ago. Housing developments all over the place now but we still have a healthy amount of green space, and of course the two golf clubs across from my house. We have badgers, foxes and a lot of roe deer still resident.