Rickochet I am not sure how this online schooling works.
My daughter is a high school sophomore and she had the choice to take classes online or go back and she chose online. I was told 25-30% in our town are taking classes online. They have a schedule each week of Zoom classes they attend and then they also watch some recorded classes and teachers have assignments, examples, et al on OneNote. They can e-mail teachers as usual, but also have Zoom meetings with them.
It's got pros and cons for her IMO. She has some social anxiety and so she doesn't have to deal with being in school. I'm not sure that was a big deal for her as unlike me she is tall, beautiful and smart, but she is shy and sensitive. She is lazy like me though so now she can get away with sleeping in and zoning out during an online class. We still make her follow a similar schedule even though she is not going to school or she would be playing video games and drawing all day.