My oldest grandson (12) has been telling me that he wished he could go to work with me, "like we used to do, Papaw". At the last place I worked, I'd go in on Saturday night and do West course set up, cups, tee markers and such. Him and his younger brother would go with me and help. Then after, we'd go to Sonic for whatever they wanted. Well, I'm not there anymore and due to covid, I'm the only one on our crew that gets his 40+, M-F, no weekends for me this year, it's been great for R, R & R. Anyway he wanted to spend the night, last night and we sat in the garage and talked about "the old days" as he called it (2yrs ago). I told him I'd take him out, show him around and let him chaeffeur me some day. Well, today was the day.
He loved it and already wants to go back tomorrow. I introduced him to our GM who offered him a job, when he gets old enough. Good stuff!!