Typhoon Going out to do some Christmas shopping and then work at indoor golf later. Friend comes down and we play a round on the sim when we close.
sdandrea1 Typhoon I think you win the prize for today. Bathing a horse beats the hell out of horse poop detail. Now THAT would win a Pulitzer.
Walterjn sdandrea1 only on a hot day... This month, I'd rather be on horse poop detail...that is inside right now, and out of the cold (for here) wind...
Typhoon sdandrea1 Bathing a horse beats the hell out of horse poop detail. Now THAT would win a Pulitzer. Although on a smaller scale, I’d still prefer picking up horse poop.
fatshot My wife and I have to finish assembling a corner TV cabinet / fireplace we bought for the TV room. Directions are the usual PITA to follow......spent about an hour and a half "agreeably disagreeing" over it last night. Probably have another hour or two to go today. "Some assembly required" my ass.....!!!! ☹
Typhoon Gonna put away some more deck furniture this morning. I have my first TM fitting/demo day later this afternoon at my favorite Golfers Warehouse store. Haven’t had one since September. Got 2 more over the weekend. Few drinks later tonite!
johnnydoom Vacation today. Nothing planned, just going to chill and enjoy spending time doing no particular thing. Son is home for the next five weeks so maybe we’ll get out and do something together.
LogicalOne Par4QC Yeah, I guess I could use it for golf equipment. My primary hope was to start another business for laser tattooing (not removal), but I can’t seem to find any volunteers for testing. 🤔
Walterjn LogicalOne what kind of tattoo are we talking about?? How painful is it while we're talking about it...
garyt1957 FauxAmish To Matty: Just saw this, hope your wife is doing well. My sister just got diagnosed with colon cancer, very scary, you never want to hear that word. Good luck
Mattyv garyt1957 Thanks! C word is never good to here. My wife is doing well. We are entering follow up care now to make sure they got everything. So far so good on her recovery. Best of luck with your sister. Hopefully they caught it early.
LogicalOne KCee 🤨 Let me get you scheduled. I’m pretty sure I can bump the power up to 150% and the speed down to like 50 mm/s so it gives you a ‘tattoo’ to remember! 😏 DISCLAIMER: Not responsible for loss of limbs.
Spuzz 2022 version of Dickbread cookies. Plumped them up a bit this year, but they look geezer like now :/
Rickochet Spuzz 2022 version of Dickbread cookies. Plumped them up a bit this year, but they look geezer like now You should have massaged the dough it bit longer and given it more time to rise. 😐
Typhoon Rickochet Spuzz 2022 version of Dickbread cookies. Plumped them up a bit this year, but they look geezer like now You should have massaged the dough it bit longer and given it more time to rise. 😐 Cream filling in those?
Rickochet sdandrea1 Got the Bivalent Moderna jab yesterday. Today is feel-like-shit day. I had no reaction to it. Maybe it was the raisin oatmeal cookies.