KCee Drop my car off again to see if they can actually get it fixed this time, Covid booster shot, running some parts out to a customer and maybe a light workout later.
Walterjn Heading to the barn. Won't be there long. Quick check and nothing more. Then off to hang out with a couple of buddies and work on some shirts.
Walterjn LBlack14 damn... How about some hot tea/ coffee? Maybe with a little or not so little helping of whiskey... Or Bailey's for the coffee.
Typhoon Walterjn For years I'd put Baileys in my coffee and driver the kids to school, go to work etc... Years later it dawned on me that I was doing that.
Walterjn colej had to ask. @LBlack14 was saying he was still cold after work, and I believe Mason is in his neck of the woods....🤣 -170° is freaking nuts!!
Walterjn Rickochet -170° my junk is crawling inside of me, and not coming back out for quite a while...
colej Walterjn It’s so cold it’s exhilarating. What hurts prior to going in will soon have blood pumping through it. The feeling after is sort of tingly or warm at the spots where you’re hurting.
KCee colej Do you have any pain it seems to help with? I've heard ice baths and/or cryo help. I've done some ice baths and can't say it really helped my shoulder or anything else.
Typhoon Finished taking the pool pump apart, cleaned up and put away for winter. Just had a sammich and an iced coffee. Time for dog walks amd then the gym… had time to start the little dirt bike. Can’t remember the last time… stayed on the first crank!
colej KCee It really helps with soreness or nagging joint pains. It’ll help the bigger issues but where it shines is your recovery time. So if you were doing physical therapy on your shoulder and got that sore, this would definitely help you recover quicker.
Walterjn Went to the barn, played with my friend's dog. Turned on fans and 'redneck AC'. Now I'm tying another shirt so I can see about dying 4 tonight...
Rickochet Walterjn Went to the barn, played with my friend's dog. What ever happened to you bud Tater?