Cutter66 Bravopilot you in? 34” with which Super Stroke? The Orange is a 2.0, the black is a 3.0 and there’s a 3.0 Flatso there, too😁
Cutter66 Bravopilot that’s the Flatso. The standard SS is round, the Flatso is flat where your thumbs would be, or the part you’d see while address the ball. That the one you want?
Cutter66 Bravopilot I actually got the grip on straight🤪 32”, right? jk, took an inch off. She’s 34”😉
Cutter66 Bravopilot that’s educated rectum to you, sir! Yeah, pretty much lol! If it still hasn’t registered, my daughter failed to drop it off. I had to get OOT for work. Please let me know