I had written up my build on FGI. I thought I should repeat it here.
I used Wishon 752TC iron heads. At the time, Sterlings and Pinhawks were back ordered.
The set is 5-AW. The 5 and 6 have weight in the hosel weight ports, plus lead tape applied low, on the back ledge of the heads. The 7 has only lead tape. The 8 was the right weight. The 9, P, and A, I had to drill out weight from the back of the sole pad. I filled the holes with some foam backer rod, topped with epoxy. After assembly, I had to add a little lead tape over the holes on the 9 and P, as they were slightly light.
I did not like the height of the 5 iron. Later I looked in the Maltby MPF data for a 5 iron with a very low COG. I found the KE4 was what I wanted, and was able to buy one on ebay. I used the biggest weights it would hold, 2x 8 grams, and then epoxied a lead rod into the undercut cavity. Even though it weighed 3 grams less than the Wishon heads, it gave a higher swingweight. This is due to the lower COG. I had lightly epoxied the 8 gram weights in place, so for now I have not swapped one out for a 6 gram one. For now it is a swingweight/MOI experiment versus the other clubs. ๐
Specs for set:
Length 37". Shaft: DGSL R300 .370, tipped 3" (standard 7 iron)
Lie: 62ยบ
Swingweight: D1. Head weight 271-272.
(The AW came out as 275, and the KE4 came out 268, but functionally heavy as mentioned above.)
Lofts: 25, 29, 34, 39, 43, 47, 52.
I did try a softer tipped shaft in the 6 iron, but it did not play right for me. I also tried a 1/2" longer 5 iron, and that did not work well either. 37" is much sweeter for me than 37.5". That's the point, I guess.