scotts33 Should be an interesting final two-some today at the US Senior Open. Hopefully a good showing by both and make Madison proud! ☺
scotts33 Both are good on small greens. Kelly raised at Maple Bluff and Stricker original 9 at Edgerton. Stricker superior putter to Kelly whose putting holds him back. Kelly #13 hockey player mentality and a tough bull dog. Both nice guys with blue collar work ethic.
scotts33 Nice win by Stricker! Good to see our Ryder Cup captain have success this year with 2 majors on the Geezer tour though at 52 hardly a geezer. Get 'em now while you can. 👌
KCee I was probably one of the few rooting for Kelly although it's generally impossible not to root for Stricker. Kelly went to my alma mater. Tim Petrovic was the star then, but I think Kelly's hockey scrappiness helped him do better on Tour.