Par4QC I used to go out and play when the temps got over 93-95+. Humidity always went way down, and it was just 'hot', and courses were empty. But this summer, humidity is killer and is not dissipating at the higher temps.
Typhoon Par4QC Heat and Humidity don't bother me as long as I'm moving. Another factor in not playing today was me just standing in the sun giving lessons from 8-11;30 am. I was just not feeling like playing...I was fine to hit some balls but knowing I had to work later on, figured I'd sit one out.
Mattyv azgreg We got a decent amount last night but not as bad as the north and Central valley. I was watching the radar with my jaw almost on the floor.
meagain azgreg Record high for the date here in Phoenix yesterday, 85°. What does that have to do with golf?
raggmann54 sdandrea1 sdandrea1 Only getting to 72 today. I hate winter. Up here in Western Pennsylvania, and I say this with all possible love - BITE ME!!!!
Mattyv I haven't had to wear a jacket yet this year. If the temps keep up like they are, I may not have to. 10 day forecast shows nothing below 70 for a high.
Rickochet Mattyv I just tried to find an appropriate giphy and it wouldn't work. I think Steve has worn out the giphy button. 😜
Typhoon Mattyv I haven't had to wear a jacket yet this year. Go fuck yourself.😂 I have ice on my pool cover.
KCee Mid 50's here. I thought about taking today off, but saw rain in the forecast and passed. Sunday might be just warm enough to play.