I am on year 15 of using "Natural Golf". My version is almost identical to what Kirk Junge is teaching. I use the same grip. I set up with slightly less side tilt than him, which helps me get down into the ball easier than when I tried to do it like Moe did. However, every such variation is a trade off of some sort, and when you are learning it, it's important to try to follow the model. I wasted a lot of years trying to do everything "except" this or that. It all matches up, and when go off on your own way, it's likely to fall apart. Sure, there are customizations according to your build and tendencies. Especially your personal hip speed. But start with the model and be patient.
I've tried flat like Moe and upright like Bryson, but always end up about like Kirk. My clubs are just a tad upright. My 37 inch 7 iron is 64 degrees, so nothing crazy. With the palm grip, I fit best into midsize grips, but due to some finger pain I have been using jumbos this year. I have to decide if that is permanent, even if the pain is gone. Which it might be. You certainly can begin using this swing with ordinary clubs and grips, as long as they are not flat lies. AND, you might prefer a flatter plane like Moe anyway. It takes some time, years in my case, to figure that out. Kirk says most people like to be more upright than that, and I suspect that's right. Graves Golf teaches the flatter method. I found my answer in the dirt. Basically, which swing plane would let me hit the ball first, then take a divot, and have the divot pointing at the target?
This swing is VERY easy on the back. In fact, a bad back was what prompted me to try it in the first place. The reason it is easy on the back is that the hips are not as far open at impact as with a normal swing. Sometimes if I lose my swing, I'll try to play with a more normal swing. My back always reminds me why I wasn't doing that to begin with.
The swing is very accurate. I have much less side spin this way. I dropped 12-15 strokes almost immediately after switching to it. From mid to upper 90s, to low to mid 80s. Today I'm a 10 hcp. If I had ever invested time and effort into putting and short game, I'd be a 6 or 7. I found distance to be the same before and after.
Moe in his prime had competitive distance. But given any choice between distance and accuracy, he chose accuracy first.