Release not that it matters at this point, but again, we are talking elected figures here. The blame goes straight to the voters electing them. But if you interview the "average" voter you can easily see the problem. Go on youtube and you can find an endless supply of videos of "average" people signing petitions to the craziest things, including banning free speech and the first amendment. There are plenty of videos of college students asking them basic American civics questions that they cannot answer.
So what's the end result? We the people elect the best looking person with the easiest name to pronounce. And then once they get into office they never leave because the people are either too stupid or lazy (or both) to hold anyone accountable. Politicians know this too. Once elected it's usually a lifetime appointment unless they do something so stupid as to attract enough negative attention to them to risk losing an election. It rarely happens.
I mean, come on. The two leading candidates for the next President are between Clinton and Trump? Is this seriously the best we can do? No, but when you do propose someone with integrity and an honest interest in fixing things, they are considered too boring for anyone to vote for them. And if you are asking me to choose between Clinton and Trump I will tell you that neither is worth my vote. I have ZERO trust in either of these two people, and I consider both of them seriously dangerous to the future of this country.
But this is what "we the people" are voting for, so in all honesty there is nothing I can say or do to honestly give a crap about any of it. All that is left to do is point at a story like you posted here and say, "yep, dumbass people elected these schmucks."