Rickochet I bought several dozen Callaway Chrome Soft recycled balls after my buds were bragging about them. I played one and it felt really dead. I put it in the bag after serveral holes. I few days ago I found one and it seemed to have a nice feel and spun well. I noticed that it was marked < Chrome Soft (dot)(dot)>. When I got home I checked the box and noticed different marking on the balls. One was <Chrome Soft (dot) > and another <Chrome Soft(dot) X (dot) > The (dot) means a single "." My question are there more versions and what does each mean?
ZWExton I think these are the "year" indications, same way ProV1s have arrows, lines, colored arrows, etc. I don't have the key to decipher them, but I noticed the same thing across the many ProV1s I have found and Chrome Soft balls.
Rickochet Now that I know about the different markings how about performance differences between the various versions?
candukid Very good article here which goes into some detail about the dufferences. http://www.golfalot.com/equipment-reviews/callaway-chrome-soft-x-2018-ball-review-3946.aspx