brsmith If we can't resolve this, there will be revolution, and the rich fear that more than anything. Don't think it can happen?

I have one word for you, Cuba.

Cubans didn't have guns in every home. Same thing with China, or most other countries in the world. Our 2nd Amendment is the most IMPORTANT amendment we have, because it keeps those with thoughts of revolution in check.

"Cubans didn't have guns in every home. Same thing with China, or most other countries in the world. Our 2nd Amendment is the most IMPORTANT amendment we have, because it keeps those with thoughts of revolution in check."

You do realize the second amendment was only to keep the the government from repressing the citizens, right???

It was put in place to enable the citizens to bear arms if needed and to not be herded by it's military. The US military could never control 325 million people, there are only 200K active soldiers if that.

    brsmith It was put in place to enable the citizens to bear arms if needed and to not be herded by it's military. The US military could never control 325 million people, there are only 200K active soldiers if that.

    brsmith Most revolutions start as a military coup; so you are essentially saying the same thing I did, granted, my wording was misleading, for which I apologize.

    Bottom line is we are where we are because of public policy. Public policy favors those who can buy influence (corporate interests). It's been said there are 3 chairs in a Congress-persons office. One for the Congress-person, one for the corporate interest and one chair is empty. The chair representing the public is the empty chair.

    As was said Reagan firing the PATCO workers cannot be understated. It sent a message that corporations could go hard line against unions. It is not a coincidence that today only ~ 9% of workers are represented union workers. The decline in wages and in unions are directly related. It's also not a coincidence that right to work states pay lower wages on average.

    The old adage that says those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it is true. Everything a wage worker enjoys today was fought for by workers who stood together. People say yea, yea, yea, but we don't need unions today. I would argue just the opposite. Things taken for granted today can be gone tomorrow.

    Not a big second amendment guy. I believe the second amendment has been bastardized by the gun lobby. But that's another debate. When Hanauer says the pitch forks are coming if the corporate greed continues he means at the ballot box.

    The revolution will be at the ballot box. It's long overdo. The corporate oligarchs are cunning in the way they operate in fooling the public though. Here's one anecdotal example.

    Here in Florida there's two competing ballot initiatives regarding solar energy coming up this November. One is sponsored by (consumer advocates) and favoring consumers. The other is titled very similar and is sponsored by and favoring the power companies. The confusing competing ballot initiative by the power companies is deliberate.

    The point is it will take an educated electorate to change course and reduce the corporate influence that holds the power today. They won't relinquish that power without a fight.

    And for those that don't want to see more socialism then they better hope things change. As the race to the bottom continues for workers the reality is we'll see more socialism and not less. Most people don't realize every modern civilized country has a mix of capitalism and socialism. Pure unfettered capitalism would create too few winners and far too many losers.

    The irony is people actually like socialism. They love their social security, medicare and other related government programs. But also things like public schools, municipal police and fire departments etc. are all forms of socialism.

    I can't help but wonder in the future what economic system we'll see as work becomes less and less necessary. I'll be dead and gone, but that day is coming.