Shortish story from 25 years ago and kind of off topic so I apologize in advance.
The old time/long time public golf guys should remember these days.
There was (and still is) a local, semi-private golf course that our long time regular foursome used to play mostly every Sat (and sometimes Sunday on long weekends) that had a first come, first served tee time policy.
They blocked off tee times starting at 6:45 am until about 10 am but gave the public from 6:00 am the chance to play early. Their system was a step up from the old "put your ball in the ball holder" routine as they had a starter (female btw) who took group last names and they also had a speaker system they used to announce groups in order so there was no arguments and chaos that usually happened under the ball holder policy.
ie. there was no taking a somebody's ball out from the bottom and putting it back in at the top, or trying to stuff your ball in from the bottom when nobody was looking.
I don't remember a lot from those days as we usually were opening beers or passing around chilled Southern Comfort straight from the bottle by the second tee box and after golf.
However, I do remember one day where the names being announced by the starter to cause the loudest single laugh in unison (like a comedy club audience) on a golf course I have ever heard.
It went something like this:
Female starter on speaker system:
Smith- on the tee
Gibbons-on deck (my group)
Johnson-in the hole
Woodcock-deep in the hole
We were standing beside the starter booth and after the laughing stopped, she realized what she had said and the look on her face was priceless. We never let her forget it.